Wednesday 24 March 2010

5th reflective Journal

Sperm whales are often spotted in groups (called pods) of some 15 to 20 animals. Pods include females and their young, while males may roam solo or move from group to group. Females and calves remain in tropical or subtropical waters all year long, and apparently practice communal childcare. Males migrate to higher latitudes, alone or in groups, and head back towards the equator to breed. Driven by their tale fluke, approximately 16 feet (5 meters) from tip to tip, they can cruise the oceans at around 23 miles (37 kilometers) per hour.

These popular leviathans are vocal and emit a series of "clangs" that may be used for communication or for echolocation. Animals that use echolocation emit sounds that travel underwater until they encounter objects, then bounce back to their senders—revealing the location, size, and shape of their target.

Sperm whales were mainstays of whaling's 18th and 19th century heyday. A mythical albino sperm whale was immortalized in Herman Melville's Moby Dick, though Ahab's nemesis was apparently based on a real animal whalers called Mocha Dick. The animals were targeted for oil and ambergris, a substance that forms around squid beaks in a whale's stomach. Ambergris was (and remains) a very valuable substance once used in perfumes.

Despite large population drops due to whaling, sperm whales are still fairly numerous.

Finally finished my work of Sperm whale and Dhole information.

Edwin Low (31)

4th reflective Journal

Sperm whales are known to dive as deep as 3,280 feet (1,000 meters) in search of squid to eat. These giant mammals must hold their breath for up to 90 minutes on such dives.

These toothed whales eat thousands of pounds of fish and squid—about one ton (907 kg) per day.
Photo: Sunlight reflected through water ripples illuminates a sperm whale
Sperm whales' heads are filled with a mysterious substance called spermaceti. Scientists have yet to understand its function, but believe it may help the animal regulate its buoyancy.

Edwin Low (31)

3rd reflective Journal

Dholes inhabit forested areas in South East Asia. They can be found in India (where the largest population of Dholes is found), Bangladesh, Sumatra, Java, Myanmar, Tibet and China.

I have explained all the information about Dhole, and now i am going to do the information about Sperm whale.

Sperm whales are easily recognized by their massive heads and prominent rounded foreheads. They have the largest brain of any creature known to have lived on Earth. Their heads also hold large quantities of a substance called spermaceti.

Whalers once believed that the oily fluid was sperm, but scientists still do not understand the function of spermaceti. One common theory is that the fluid—which hardens to wax when cold—helps the whale alter its buoyancy so it can dive deep and rise again.

Edwin Low (31)

2nd reflective Journal

In India, Dholes prey on Sambar, Chital, swamp deer, nilgai, blackbuck, gaur, wild pigs, ground dwelling birds and rodents. Chital make up the majority of their diet. In Siberia their diet includes Reindeer and in Tibet they are known to prey on sheep. Dholes hunt in packs and cooperate to catch their prey which they kill by eviscerating it in a similar way to how African Wild Dogs kill their prey.

Dholes have a gestation period of approximately 63 days. The young are born in an underground den with up to ten pups in a litter (although 4 is more usual). When giving birth and raising young, several females in the pack may share a single den. Once the pups are weaned, the entire pack will regurgitate food for the young. When the pack goes out hunting, some members will remain behind to guard the young pups in the den. The pups remain in and around the den for the first ten weeks of their lives, and by seven months old they are able to join the rest of the pack on hunts. The young are mature at 1 year old.

Edwin Low (31)

1st reflective journal

sorry for the very late post as my computer has been down for some days. so to start off, my group members and i have been researching for information of a whale called the Sperm whale, and a fox called Dhole.

i'm going to give more information about the Dhole first.

The Dhole or Asiatic Wild Dog (Cuon alpinus) is about the size of a border collie (12-18 kg), but looks quite different. The coat is usually a rusty red colour, but varies regionally from sandy yellow to dark grey, usually it has a black bushy tail and white patches on its chest, paws and belly, its ears are rounded, and its hooded amber eyes portray an intelligent nature. The Dhole is a highly social and cooperative animal, living in organised packs of around 10 individuals. Groups often contain more males than females, with usually just one breeding female. Occasionally, large groups of over 40 dogs have been seen, possibly arising from the temporary fusion of neighbouring packs.

Edwin Low(31)

all 5th Reflective Journal

Sorry fo the late post....All the 5th reflective journal will be in this post.

1St Reflective Journal
About Pola Bear...
Polar bear live only in the northern Arctic where they spend most of their time in ice floes. They are the larger land meat-eater in the world and the largest in the bear family. They are well suited to the cold Arctic ice and snow.

2nd Reflective Journal
The indentification of the polar bear:

Height:Average adult male 8.5ft(2.6m)
Average adult female 6.5ft(2m)

Weight:Average adult male 900Ibs.
Average adult female 500Ibs.

Colour:off-white fur with black nose,eyes and mouth.

3rd Reflective Journal
Polar bear will eat seal flest or even their type of pola bear.

4th reflective Journal
Pola bear is closely related to the brown bear. Their family type is Ursidae.

5th reflective journal
I like pola bear as it is cute..


Monday 22 March 2010

we are doing research on the bengal tiger and the bat, some of our group members went to the singapore Zoo to know more about the bengal tiger and the bat

Koh Ming Hui( 30)

1st reflective journal

My group got Ming Hui, Jia Xing, Kelvin, Lydia, Afiqah and me.We are doing on bat and orange tiger.

Tan Fu Wei (40)

5th refletive journal

the solution to curb the problem of abusing white tiger ia to hold exhibitions on tiger conservations and these exhibition would educate the public to know more about white tiger conservations. hold public seminar talks to the public to let more people to knew the facts of the white tiger.

4th reflective journal

the features of the dodo bird is grey in colour , have a large hook beak and white feathers attacted to its tail.The white tiger have a sharp teeth and jaws to catch their prey easily but they have a poor eyesight and have a strong sense of smell.

3rd reflective journal

i'm not sure about the white tiger process but i only know that the powerpoint slide were prepared but we all have no time to meet up with my group members who are doing the white tiger so we cannot put the slides together and make it a complete one


2nd reflective journal

i found out that dodo bird is a flightless bird and was extinct in the late 1500s and early 1600s. the process was quite difficult as it extinct a long time ago and the information was not tat clear. the video of dodo bird we can only find in cartoon format .

by the way i'm cheerling(5)

1st reflective journal

my group member got weiting, armanta, siva, jun kai and jian xiang. we decided that me, weiting and armanta to do a research and powerpoint slide together about DODO bird. While siva, jun kai and jian xiang do all about the white tiger.

Saturday 20 March 2010

5th reflective journal

Monk seals get their name both from the soft folds of fur around their neck that resemble a monk’s cowl and for being solitary creatures, like monks. They are unusual for seals in that they do not live in large groups. Monk seals generally stay well away from other seals and humans, and can become aggressive when they get too close or feel threatened. Monk seals, especially pregnant or nursing mothers, appear to be greatly agitated when they are disturbed by humans, so much so that they may abandon their pups. So if you see a Hawaiian monk seal, remember to keep your distance.

I know its midnight x: No time to post in the morning. Happy holidays.

Celest (3)

Friday 19 March 2010

reflective journal 5

wow this is the last reflective journal.

I almost done finish my project.Left the last part on how to save them.I dun how a thumb drive to save them.heard nabilah finish the project.i lost her number so i couldn't tell her that my computer do not have powerpoint.

I have to call celestine if she have finished her project.and i have to ask her if she done the powerpoint.

i admit i copy some of nabilah idea on reflective jounrnal.After doing the project i realise that I should be more enviroment friendly and help to conserve thing.There used to have lots of animal.but because of human greed,lots of animale extinct because of this.Animale are innocently killed by hunter or fishermen.Can you bare animale be killed and never see them again?

Jing wen (4)

5th jounal entry

Sorry,for the late post.Solutions to conserve the problems on white tiger by holding exhibtions on tiger conservations.These exhibitions would educate the public to know more about white tiger conservations and hold public seminar talks to the public to let more people to knew the facts of the white tiger.Examples are white tiger habitat and white tiger living conditions.
Goh jun kai(27)

Fifth Journal Entry :)

Last journal entry...

Sorry for the late post.Male white tiger fight for territory in order to impregnate as many females as possible thereby promoting their own genes. Female white tiger fight for territory to sustain and to feed their cubs. There can be several tigers on the same territory. It's also very common, that female offspring stay close to the territory in which they were raised. My group had almost done with everything expect for the PowerPoint for Dodo bird. So fast its already the last journal entry, holidays are going to be over soon ~ . Hope to go to school soon :)

Armanta (1)

5th Reflective Journal..xD

so fast its the last journal already.By the way sorry for the late entry.Basically today im going to share about my feeling and improvement in my group member.Today,i just know that one of my group member,Mei Yu is sick and I had to do her job which is ding a poem.Friends help one another.

Jing Wen has completed her part on researching on seal.But one thing is that,I forgetten to inform her to do the powerpoint on the seal.I tried to call her she didn't pick up.Oh dear...Never mindd,atleast i had done the powerpoint for the red panda.Doing something on the computer during holiday for homework is lots of fun...Wish that next school holiday,we havee to do on blog again as we can communicate with others online.

Yhrough all this progress,I had learnt tobe responsible for my own work.Respect others decision and don't always think of your own self throughout the whole project.Hope that others also did learnt something from all the research and reading.

Thats all i can say for now..See all of you in school on Monday.Im kind of miss school.


Siti Nurnabilah(20)

Last, 5th Journal.

Baby Dhole! So cute.!

Hello! Is me again posting about Dholes. :D I'm sorry about the late post.

Dholes are in danger of catching infectious diseases when they come in contact with other animals, especially canines – including feral and domestic dogs. They have been known to suffer from mange, canine distemper, and trypanosomiasis. Canine parvovirus was recorded in Dhole populations in Hodenhagen, Germany and Chennai, India zoos.

Sporadically, the Dhole is a health risk for human beings, since their excreta contain transmittable pathogens (e.g. Toxocara canis). Dhole waste has also been found to contain roundworm, cestodes, and other endoparasites. Like other canines, the Dhole can catch rabies; in the 1940s, rabid Dholes bit and infected villagers in the Biligirirangan Hills in India.

Hmm.. I dont know my other members are doing their things or not. Hope they are doing. :D

So this is my last post.! :D

Have a nice day! :D

Pei Jun (Apple)

5th reflective journal

my last journal entry...

Ancient Bats;

Scientists have found evidence that bats have existed for 50 million years. Some scientists believe it may have been even longer.

When trying to understand how bats have lived, scientists study living animals. But no one was around 50 million years ago to study the beginnings of bat life. Scientists use "fossils" (old bones) to try to learn about how bats evolved. This tells us that bats haven't changed much over the years.

heres the picture of the Bat's skeleton

Bat Babies;

bats return from migration or awaken from hibernation and the females begin having baby bats called "pups".Bat pups are tiny when born, but grow up fast. Some species are flying and hunting on their own within a month of birth.

Pups are born without hair -- they look tiny, scrawny and pink. They drink milk from their mothers like all mammals do. They are born with strong legs and claws because they have to hang on to mom when she's roosting and to the cave when she's not there. If the baby looses its grip and falls, it will die.

Bat's sense
Bats smell, hear, taste, feel and see just like people do. The term "blind as a bat" isn't really accurate. Bats have perfectly good eyes for seeing in the daylight. The problem is, they do most of their hunting at night!

type of bats

There are a lot of different kinds of bats -- from the tiny bumblebee bat (which is the size of a jellybean and weighs less than a penny) to the huge Bismarck flying fox (with a wingspan as long as an average man).
Bats are grouped into two main groups -- the large fruit eating bats (also known as "flying foxes" or "megabats") and the smaller bats ("microbats") who eat insects, blood, fish, lizards, birds and nectar.

thank you

5th reflective journal

Bat wings are made two thin layers of skin stretched over the bat's arm and fingers.Bats have a thumb and four fingers just like people..

The bat's fingers are very long compared to its body. If we had fingers like a bat, they would be longer than our legs!

Bat wings go all the way down the side of the bat's body and partway down its legs.

When bats fly, they don't just flap up and down. If you watch them closely, it almost looks like they're pulling themselves through the air -- the movement is similar to the butterfly stroke in swimming.

Bats use their wings for more than just flying. They can wrap their wings around insects or fruit to hold it while eating


thats all i have to say for my last journal..

my group members i will be finishing our presentation slideshow soon...


4th reflective journal

I'm now going to talk about bats...
bats are actually a mammal.
people used to think that bats are birds with wings without feathers.But now we know that there is no such thing as featherless bird.
some of the things that tells us bats are mammals are;
1)bats are warm blooded
2)bats nurse their babies with milk
3)bats have fur

But Bats are a special mammals. they are the only mammals that can fly(without an aeroplane) hehe.. flying squirrels are mammals too,but they don't really fly.. They jump from high in a tree glide through the air like a kite.. Bats flap their wings and fly like a bird.

dinner time for vampires

VAMPIRES: When most of us think of bats, the Vampire Bat is one of the first to come to mind. Vampire bats don't really turn into Count Dracula, they rarely bite people and they rarely kill their prey.

will tell u more on my last journal...

3rd reflective journal

The largest of all the living cats, the tiger is immediately recognizable by its unique reddish - orange coat with black stripes. Stripe patterns differ among individuals and are as unique to the animal as are fingerprints to humans. The dark lines above the eyes tend to be symmetrical, but the marks on the sides of the face and body can be different. Males have a prominent ruff or collar, which is especially pronounced in the Sumatran tiger.Body size of the tiger varies with latitude, the smallest occurring at low latitudes in Indonesia and the largest at high altitudes in Manchuria and Siberia. The largest, the Siberian tiger can reach weights exceeding 700 pounds and reach lengths of 10+ feet, and the smallest, the Indonesian or Bali tiger weighing a mere 200 pounds with a total length of 7 ftIn sanctuaries tigers have lived more than 26 years, as compared to 15 in the wild. Tigers only live 10-12 years in most zoos.

Tigers occupy a wide variety of habitats including tropical evergreen forests, deciduous forests,
how rare is this cat?
The largest wild population of tigers are in India. According to statistics released in 2009 there are 1,200 - 1,500 tigers left on 27 wildlife reserves in 11 states in India. Tigers are no longer "burning bright" in our world's most famous tiger preserves.


4th reflective journal

Bat? do blood sucking bats exist?
Well, there are bats that suck blood and they are aptly known as vampire bats.
A vampire bat bites other animals and drinks their blood. A vampire bat may bite a sleeping horse, cow, or even a person, without being noticed. First, its sharp teeth make a shallow cut. Then the bat simply laps up a small amount of blood and flies away. The chief danger to the victim, (unlike what most gothic movies and books suggest) is not loss of blood but rather infection. This is because vampire bats are known carriers of rabies, a “fatal viral disease that infects domestic and wild animals and is spread through people through close contact with infected saliva”.

Description of Bats
The bat is described as a mouselike nocturnal flying mammal of the family Chiroptera. The word Chiroptera, means "hand wing". It is a mouse-like animal with forelimbs modified to form wings. They navigate and hunt prey by echolocation. Bats are the only mammals that can truly fly.

Facts about the Size of Bats
The smallest microbat, the Pipistrellus nanus of Central Africa, is only 4 cm (1.5 in) long and has a wingspan of only 12.5 cm (about 5 in). The biggest of the bats is called the Pteropus vampyrus, comes from Java and achieves a wingspan of 1.4 m (nearly 5 ft) and a body length of 42 cm (16.7 in)!

Species of Bats
There are almost 1,000 species of Bats! These many species are divided into two sub-orders:

  • Megachiroptera (Large Bat or magabats)
  • Microchiroptera (Small Bat or microbats)
i will talk a little bit more in my next journal
- Afiqah(12)

2nd reflective journal

hi.. Ive post this late. and I'm so sorry...
i didn't went to the zoo with my friends because i didn't have the money and i had CCAs on that day.
well i miss my chance to visit the zoo to see how animals are...
my group members decided to talk about orange tigers and bats...

Orange tigers is actually a cat, Not all tigers are orange and black, there are those that are white with black stripes and the golden tigers which are golden with cinnamon stripes.
Like most predators, the tiger’s coloring is actually for camouflage. Their orange and black, with areas of white allow them to hide easily in the jungle. The stripped pattern makes it harder for them to be seen in the tall grass. Camouflage is important for both predator and prey, for the predator, it ensures that they are likely to catch their food and for the prey, it ensures that they are unlikely to become someone else’s dinner. For the tiger, its orange with black stripes makes it a powerful predator.
i will tell you more on my 3rd reflective journal
thank you

3rd journal entry

hi I'm sorry for posting late..

I'm going to talk about orange tiger now...

Orange tigers:

Orange is the standard colour for the tiger. All other colours are caused by recessive genes (white), or sometimes by inbreeding (black).Tigers are never 'just orange' and depending upon subspecies the hue varies. The Amur tiger is more gold than orange The now extinct Balinese tiger was a particularly dark, deep orange. Even the orange may vary a great deal and in the Sumatran it ranges from reddish-yellow, through to a deep orange, and on into reddish-brown colourings.

For the tiger, its orange with black stripes makes it a powerful predator. Combine that with a sudden speed, a prey would find it difficult to escape.

However, as tigers are heavy, they use too much energy when chasing a prey and many animals, like the gazelle and sambar, if they knew early enough that a tiger was nearby, they would be able to outrun the tiger. Therefore, camouflage is important for the tiger, the camouflage helps it to get close enough to its prey so that there is little chance of it running away.

thank you ...

will update in next journal

-afiqah (12)

5th journal entry

Hey .. this is the last journal that I'm writing....

Facts about polar bears;

Male polar bears may grow 10 feet tall and weigh over 1400 pounds. Females reach seven feet and weigh 650 pounds. In the wild polar bears live up to age 25.

And around the age of four or five the female polar bears can start having babies..they usually have only two cubs. The babies are much smaller than human babies when they're born. they are somehow size of a rat and weight a little more than a pound. they can grow a full man size in a year if they have lots of food...

despite what we are thinking, polar bears fur is not actually white,each hair of theirs clear hollow tube. Polar bears looks white because each hollow hair reflects the light.
Polar bears have wide front paws with slightly webbed toes that help them swim. They paddle with their front feet and steer with their hind feet. Paw pads with rough surfaces help prevent polar bears from slipping up on the ice.
Polar bears primarily eat seals. They often rest silently at a seal’s breathing hole in the ice, waiting for a seal in the water to surface. Once the seal comes up, the bear will spring and sink its jagged teeth into the seal’s head.
i have come to the end of it.

thank you for reading once again.
have a nice day... :)
Nazatul Amirah :)

5th reflective journal

Hi there! This is my last reflective journal entry. Just like Inayah, I truly enjoyed researching for extinct animals world wide. There are so much to learn!!

I am searching for poems and also helping my group members to find out more about the two extinct animals that we have chosen.

I will finish up my task soon. Have a nice weekend! Bye!


4th reflective journal

Hey there! Im going to tell you something about the Javanese Rhino…………
The Javan Rhinoceros (Sunda Rhinoceros to be more precise) or Lesser One-horned Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is a member of the family Rhinocerotidae and one of five extant rhinoceroses. It belongs to the same genus as the Indian Rhinoceros, but at 3.1–3.2 m in length and 1.4–1.7 m in height, it is smaller than the Indian Rhinoceros, and is closer in size to the Black Rhinoceros. Its horn is usually less than 25 cm, smaller than those of the other rhino species.

Once the most widespread of Asian rhinoceroses, the Javan Rhinoceros ranged from the islands of Indonesia, throughout Southeast Asia, and into India and China. The species is now critically endangered, with only two known populations in the wild, and none in zoos. It is possibly the rarest large mammal on earth.

Loss of habitat, especially as the result of wars, in Southeast Asia, has also contributed to the species's decline and hindered recovery. The Javan Rhino can live approximately 30–45 years in the wild.

It historically inhabited lowland rain forest, wet grasslands and large floodplains. The Javan Rhino is mostly solitary, except for courtship and child-rearing, though groups may occasionally congregate near wallows and salt licks. Aside from humans, adults have no predators in their range. The Javan Rhino usually avoids humans, but will attack when it feels threatened. Scientists and conservationists rarely study the animals directly due to their extreme rarity and the danger of interfering with such an endangered species.

Thank you

4th journal entry

Hi.. Im going to elaborate more about polar bears now...
when i went to the Zoo, i saw a polar bear. It was cute,big and snowy. :)

Sheba is a female polar bear. She came from cologne Zoo in 1978 when she was just two years old. She gave birth to inuka on 26 december 1990..
here's a picture of Sheba...

this is Inuka the one Sheba had give birth to...
(Inuka is the first polar bear born in the singapore zoo and also the tropics.
inuka='silent stalker'
in the eskimo language..)

That's all for now...
Naztul Amirah(16)

3rd reflective journal

Hi! Here’s something interesting that I found about the El-Chupacabra. Read on….
The Chupacabra or Chupacabras, from the Spanish words chupar, meaning "to suck", and cabra, meaning "goat"; literally "goat sucker", also called El Chupacabras in Spanish, is a legendary cryptid rumored to inhabit parts of the Americas.

It is associated more recently with sightings of an allegedly unknown animal in Puerto Rico (where these sightings were first reported), Mexico, and the United States, especially in the latter's Latin American communities.

The name comes from the animal's reported habit of attacking and drinking the blood of livestock, especially goats. Physical descriptions of the creature vary. Eyewitness sightings have been claimed as early as 1990 in Puerto Rico, and have since been reported as far north as Maine, and as far south as Chile.

It is supposedly a heavy creature, the size of a small bear, with a row of spines reaching from the neck to the base of the tail. Biologists and wildlife management officials view the Chupacabra as a contemporary legend.

Thank you

5th reflective journal

Things have been going smoothly and this is my last journal. I had almost done the research on dodo birds. My group members and I are doing their job, I think for the white tiger, we are almost done.
I am still doing the research on dodo birds. I often get different information on these dodo and that makes me really confuses. I can only confirmed that the last dodo bird die in the 1690 although the last confirmed sight of the last dodo bird was in 1662.
So far, my group members and I are doing well and for the slides presentation, we are almost finishing. My group members and I will still be continuing to do some of the research on the white tiger and the dodo bird.
Wei Ting(6)

5th Reflective Journal

Hey all!Okay,this is my last reflective journal.So,yeah Things have been going on quite well.
I'm almost going to finish my sideshows.I asked Izyan and Shakina for some help because i'm kind of stuck.

And i've told Izyan to send me the poems she have researched on , so i can add them to the sideshow.And of course , Shakina and i are working closely on the slideshow.

I enjoyed writing all of my 5 journals.And i got to know more about animals.And the teamwork among my group members and me have been very smooth and gentle.TI would to thank my group members for that!

Thank you.


3rd journal entry

Here's my third journal entry..

Facts of some of the penguins...

1)Penguins are birds
2)penguins don't fly but they swim
3)penguins do lay eggs
4)Most penguin chicks have fluffy feathers
5)Penguins use their wings like paddles for swimming
6)All penguins live in the Southern Hemisphere. Some live in Antarctica, Coast of South , America, South Africa, Galapagos, Southern Australia and New Zealand.
7)Most penguins can swim about 15 miles per hour.
8)Penguins hold their feathers tightly against their bodies to keep warm and fluff them out away from their bodies to cool off.
9)There are at least 18 different species of penguins. There may be as many as 100 million penguins in the world.
Though plentiful, penguins are threatened by oil spills, water pollution, and the over harvesting of ocean fish.

Thank you for reading :)
Nazatul Amirah [16]

my fourth reflective journal

this is my fourth reflective journal, i will tell you more about the snowy owl.

The Snowy Owl is typically found in the northern circumpolar region, where it makes its summer home north of latitude 60 degrees north. However, it is a particularly nomadic bird, and because population fluctuations in its prey species can force it to relocate, it has been known to breed at more southerly latitudes. During the last ice age, there was a Central European paleosubspecies of this bird, Bubo scandiacus gallicus, but no modern subspecies are recognized.

This species of owl nests on the ground, building a scrape on top of a mound or boulder. A site with good visibility, ready access to hunting areas, and a lack of snow is chosen. Gravel bars and abandoned eagle nests may be used. Breeding occurs in May, and depending on the amount of prey available, clutch sizes range from 5 to 14 eggs, which are laid singly, approximately every other day over the course of several days. Hatching takes place approximately five weeks after laying, and the pure white young are cared for by both parents. Both the male and the female defend the nest and their young from predators. Some individuals stay on the breeding grounds while others migrate.


Thursday 18 March 2010

Fourth Reflective Journal.


Features of the Emperor Penguin. Largest penguin in the world!

Emperor Penguin

The smallest penguin in the world, Little Blue Penguin. Cute righttt!

Both penguins can live in hot and cold places. They spent half of their lives in the sea and on land. My group members and I are doing well on our powerpoint presentation :)

Shamhana [17]

4th reflective journal

The Caribbean monk seal was the first seal gone extinct from human causes.Will the mediterranean monk seal be next?

(can you bear those seals to be extinct?)

The Mediterranean monk seal lives in caves carved into coastal cliffs by the pounding Atlantic waves of the Cabo Blanco region.The Mediterranean monk seal, which can reach a length of just under 10 feet and an average weight of roughly 750 pounds at maturity, is being steadily driven toward extinction by tourism, fishing and pollution, which have markedly increased over the last 50 years.The species is also limited by the fact that female monks give birth infrequently, and to only one pup at a time. And with fewer and fewer mating options available due to depopulation, inbreeding is on the rise.

can we save it?

Of cause we can.But how?Fine Fishermen for each seal killed.More enviroment friendly human.Make more banners and pass out more fliers.

hello!i had wanted to let u all have some information bout "the fox that rachel said".but to no avail.she didn't answer my she that busy i dont know.i wonder bronson did his work.i wonder edwin did his work.and i think ive remembered something,its my duty!im supposed to write out those infos bout spermwhale cos thats my to write out and let them c it.ohpls Rachel pls tell me how to spell the foxs name.....
sorry its from jane :) haha
i still cant find it but i wish tat rachel,after seeing this she can let me know how to spell.
today is tuesday,still doing my research on...err... spermwhale.The Spermwhale is the largest of the toothed whales and is the largest toothed animal in the world. The whale was named after the milky-white substance spermaceti found in its head and originally mistaken for sperm. The Sperm Whale's enormous head and distinctive shape, have led many to describe it as the archetypal whale.on their heads is the waxy fluid.that is y they kill spermwhale.its we humans who are too smart,to actually discover things like fossil fuels and all...till now its not enough to let our motor or car to survive.and we have to kill animals,kill life!just to let our cars get going...ermm...well only i feel like tat.its damn gross. for those who are interested go find:why kill spermwhale.

4th Reflective Journal

Sorry for the late post.

Hawaiian monk seals are the most endangered mammal in Hawaii, the most endangered marine mammal that occurs solely within the United States, and one of the most endangered mammals in the world.

Over the past 50 years, the Hawaiian monk seal population has fallen more than 60%

There are fewer Hawaiian monk seals in the wild than there are giant pandas.

Scientific Name
: Monachus schauinslandi
Hawaiian name: ‘Ilio‐holo‐i‐ka‐uaua
Status: Critically endangered
Population: Approximately 1100
Class: Mammals ‐ Pinnipeds
Range: Hawaiian Islands
Size: Up to 7ft and 400 pounds
Lifespan: 25‐30 years
Diet: Fish and invertebrates

Celest (: (3)

Fourth journal entry :)

Sorry for the super late post,the first white tiger is found in the 1892s and 1922s.15 white tigers were killed,between 1920s and 1930s.Normally a male white tiger weighs about 180-260 kg,while a female white tiger weighs 150-200 kg.White tigers not only mate with white tigers, it also mate with yellow tiger.I think we should conserve white tiger because it is almost endangered, which a beautiful creature shouldn't have.

And I think white tigers' population are gradually decreasing,is mainly cause by deforestation.Because i think that the cutting down of forests, which destorys their habitat. My group members and I had done all the researches and videos searching but the PowerPoint sildes still left a little bit.

Armanta (1)


4th Reflective Jounal

Today I am going to tell you about the cause and effect on not conserving white tiger.Firstly,imagine if you do not have a white tiger and as a result you saw no animlas living on Earth anymore.How would you feel?.And this is happening all the time.Secondly,if you realise that some of the tiger you have seen in the wild have stop mating and you realise that why is it happening.Thirdly,if you have read the newspaper and you found out that the animal population have decreased gradually and how would you curb the problem.Finally,if you do not conserve these tigers by hunting them and subsequently these tigers are born with birth defects,how would you react?.How can these problems be solved?.In my next journal,I would talk to you about the solutions to curb the problem.Sorry for the late submission.

4th Reflective Journal

Hello...Sorry for the late submission.Now,im going to continue sharing about the red panda.My group member,Mei Yu has complete doing research and i almost complete the slide show.But for others I unable to contact them for some reasons.Now,about red pandas.

The red panda lives in the forest of the mountains and it only lives in temperate forests in the foothills of the Himalayas.The red pandas is becoming extinct because most of the trees which are their houses has been deforestation and cut down by cruel human beings.They timber the trees to use the medical plants.We can help too save the red panda by stoping all the illegal hunting,reduce the amount of deforestation.

By doing all this,benefits us as the red panda clean the air and water for everyone in the Earth.We also saving the trees that is the lungof the Earth.The red panda are the only species of its kind and they does not have any closeliving relatives.

Thank You,
Siti Nurnabilah (20)

4th reflective journal

The Dodo bird may have survived for 30 years longer than was earlier thought. Sorry for the late post. The name Dodo comes from the Portuguese word for simpleton. The pigeons, doves, parrots, shorebirds and the birds of prey are the closest relatives of dodo birds. The Dodo was first encountered in the late 1500s or early 1600s and was probably extinct by the mid 1600s.
The dodo bird inhabited the island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, where it lived undisturbed for so long that it lost its need and ability to fly. The dodo birds may have survived 30 years longer then was earlier thought due to humans hunting them for food especially the new introduction of the rats, dogs and the pigs.
Wei Ting(6)

4th reflection...

hello sorry for the late post today i am going to share with you about The most common description of Chupacabra is being, appearing to have leathery or scaly greenish-gray skin and sharp spines or quills running down its back.This form stands approximately 3 to 4 feet 1 to 1.2 m high, and stands and hops in a similar fashion to a kagaroo...

shakina(23) 2Nb....

4th Journal.

Sleep.. Zzzz~ So cute!
Hello! :D

So.. The Dhole has many physical similarities to the African Wild Dog and the Bush Dog, most notably in the redundancy of the post-carnassial molars, though whether this is an example of convergence or close relationship is a matter of debate. The Dhole has a broad, domed skull and a short, broad muzzle. The bones of the forehead and upper jaw are "swollen", producing a dish-faced profile.

It is estimated that fewer than 2,500 mature individuals remain in the wild and the declining population trend is expected to continue. Main threats to the species include ongoing habitat loss, depletion of prey base, interspecific competition, persecution and possibly disease transfer from domestic and feral dogs.

So now i going to talk about sperm whale. The sperm whale is also known as the "cachalot", which is thought to derive from the archaic French for "tooth" or "big teeth". The sperm whale's distinctive shape comes from its very large head, which is typically one-third of the animal's length. The blowhole is located very close to the front of the head and shifted to the whale's left. This gives rise to a distinctive bushy, forward-angled spray.

So thats for today! :D Stay tune for moreee ! :D

Have a good day! :D

Pei Jun (Apple)

3rd reflective journal

I will be doing the research and video on dodo bird. This is how a dodo bird looks like, it is grey in colour. It had a large, hooked beak and white feathers attached to its tail.
It is related to pigeons and doves, it stood about a meter which is around 3 feet tall, weighing about 20 kilograms, living on fruit and nesting on the ground.
I am still continuing on my research and video, hope to find more information on dodo bird.
Wei Ting(6)

4th Reflective journal

Good morning to all.Nabil just told me some good news yesterday.The good news is,He's done with the video!I'm happy about it,and Thank you Nabil.Izyan too have found some poems about animals.The i'm double the happy.

And i'm almost going to finish my slideshows.And,while doing this project i realised something.
I realised that doing this project is actually fun,you get to know more about Animals being extinct and you'll learn how to appreciate them.So,yeah try your very best not to hurt them or anything.

Thats all for now.

Thank you.


3rd reflective journal

our group member have come out with orange tiger and snow owl.I am working on snow owl,i will now show some picture of that owl.

snowy owls are some of the Arctic birds that live here year round. Snowy owls live on the tundra.They are called snowy owls because their coloring is almost pure white when they are full grown. The feet of snowy owls are covered with feathers and have extra thick pads.The mother stays on the nest and the father brings her food and protects her. After the owlets are born both parents work to feed the owlets. In eight weeks the owlets are ready to leave the nest. This is important because the summers are so short in Arctic regions. If the owlets weren't ready to take care of themselves they would not survive the cold winter.
Characteristics and Physical Features of the Snowy Owl
Height: Up to 27 in. - it is one of the biggest owls. Wingspan: 45-60 in. Color: In the summer, snowy owls are brownish with dark spots and stripes. In the winter, they are completely white.
Distinguishing Characteristics: All white color, ability to hunt silently, hunts during the day unlike most owls.
Breeding: 8-10 eggs, eggs are laid on the ground or on hummocks because there aren't trees in the Arctic.
Range: Northern most Canada, Alaska, also circumpolar - prefers open spaces; tundra, grasslands, or frozen lakes.
Diet: Lemmings, hare, vole, and shrews. It also sometimes will eat hare or small birds. During the spring breeding season, owls will also eat eggs of waterfowl like swans.